

find out more about fostering

children of Foster Carers Month

Each October, Foster Wales Flintshire raises awareness of the important role children of foster carers play in a fostering household.

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meet the team - ashleigh

Ashleigh loves to support people to achieve what might initially feel impossible.

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meet the team - anne marie

Meet Ann-Marie, a children services assistant who loves to ensure the fostering journey runs smoothly for foster carers and the children they care for.

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national Pet Month

It is National Pet Month so to celebrate and raise awareness of the benefits on how a pet can help a foster child settle into a new home, we interviewed our very own foster carer Caz Bateman and her little 8 year old pooch, Lexi a Cocker Spaniel.

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meet the team - catrin

Meet Catrin, a social worker who loves to see the journey people go on and watch their confidence build.

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